- create flipbook animations online!
User nopnow
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Registered: 23.05.2022
Latest comments
23.05.2022 00:26
RK900-[OP]22.05.2022 21:36 I'm done bro, ppl are just so stupid. RK900-[OP]22.05.2022 21:38 SEE, YOU LITTLE PRICK YOU BRING RELIGION INTO EVERY FVCKING THING. YOU ARE A TROLL, JUST OWN UP TO IT YOU PUSSY RK900-[OP]22.05.2022 21:39 LEAVE THE FVCKING SITE IF YOUR GOING TO FVCKING HIDE AWAY WHAT YOU REALLY ARE, DO YOU THINK I'M STUPID LITTLE KID?! HUH? RK900-[OP]22.05.2022 21:40 "The jews laughed at Jesus for telling the truth, fits you well in that story." Oh blah blah blah, people actually think I'm a good person, unlike you. You are a stupid child trying to think this whole damn earth goes around YOU. RK900-[OP]22.05.2022 21:41 Wtf did you start this for? Hmm? Attention?! LIKE EVERY FVCKING TROLL ACCOUNT. THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE RK900-[OP]22.05.2022 21:43 This isn't my first rodeo kid.
Animations (1)
2 years ago