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User TheSkyIsRed
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Registered: 03.07.2019
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03.07.2019 12:49
I got to a safe place , and I took a sip of my water , when I put it down , I started searching for my friend but I am starting to hear strange noises I dunn0-9sd]
03.07.2019 12:46
I never like red and here we are
03.07.2019 12:44
I believe that the sky is red
03.07.2019 12:41
he told me that they see it too! so im not hallucinating! but im still confused why the sky is red, the sun is its normal coulor but its just the sky and clouds
03.07.2019 12:38
Hi , I woke up this morning and this sky was a blood red coulor , I thought I might just be dreaming or hallucinating so I picked myself nothing , I went outside , im stil a little confused so im going to see if my friend sees the sky the same way
Animations (2)
I might be going crazy
5 years ago
So I woke up....
5 years ago