- create flipbook animations online!
User FrootYzFog2
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Registered: 27.02.2020
Latest comments
28.02.2020 04:54
Where I said, "Click on the video and. . ." I meant drawing/animation, not video.
28.02.2020 04:53
Not all people who use this app are good drawers. I just use this app to "unleash my inner artist", since I can look at inspiration on here. Please, do not harass artists for a request. And, don't judge a person's art just because they can't draw good, it's not right. Click on the video and leave a like even if their art isn't good. All it takes is one second to press to like the art. Don't only like good people because they have good art, no offence to anyone though. I love everyone and everyone's art. However- if they drew something bad, or traced art, which- I don't know if people can even trace on here- then maybe don't like it. So- OK? All I had to say.
28.02.2020 04:49
Hi, so. . .what did I want you to read? Oh, well. . .I kinda wanna mention something. Warning though, please, do not try and get in this. This is just a rant, and yeah.
28.02.2020 04:45
Can you try doing one of these bunnies, please? If so, thank you a lot. https://www.google.com/search?q=bunny&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS847US847&sxsrf=ALeKk030565Z_2Ot8yj_b0YHIJDPh01Kww:1582865033662&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi80rvgt_PnAhUPP60KHf0lCuIQ_AUoAXoECBYQAw&biw=508&bih=819#imgrc=WVopUj1GwraO-M
27.02.2020 20:19
Hi! So- I kinda forgot my password. I put it something, which I don't remember, but I thought I would remember. And, I am NOT a fake account. You can tell since FrootYzFog, my first account, won't have any new clips, or drawings.
Animations (6)
Hey, over here! Read desc!
4 years ago
ehh this is ugly.
4 years ago
4 years ago
Not sure, just a arm test.
4 years ago
4 years ago
VV Read desc!
4 years ago