idk swift running in a magical worly with a portal and mushrooms
22.10.2021 00:11
NON-SHADED:you decide what bg to choose(optional)tell me which scene you would like then choose 1-3 ocs.You can draw any of my ocs any scene
LAZYNESS:lazy shading on everything tell me what scene(is optional)
1-3 ocs and any bg(you dont always have to choose a bg i can do one for u)draw any of my ocs any bg is fine
FULL SHADING:choose any scene you would like any bg any oc that you choose.(full shaded on everything)and you can draw any one of my ocs.
21.10.2021 23:55
Price:non-shaded(no bg required for headshot)draw any one of my ocs full body (bg optional)
Lazyness:half body shot,(bg optional if wanted)Draw any of my ocs (any bg is fine,with the body halve shaded.
Full shading:full body headshot (bg can be anything,or any specific bg)Draw any of my ocs (body fully shaded)