- create flipbook animations online!
User BlazBluAnime
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Registered: 04.05.2018
Latest comments
04.05.2018 23:13
04.05.2018 23:09
Honestly I think I did very good on this btw this is my other account
04.05.2018 23:08
Breeze is a maid and she calls everyone by things like Sama, Chan, Master, Senpai and things related to those things. She is very interested in shipping people and she is very self cautious, and rages easily. DonĀ“t make her mad or she will come back and bite you! Like, quit literally, she is a vampire and she normally hides her fangs until feeding time. Her eyes change depending on her mood. She is a stundere and her main weapon is a scythe. She likes to change her outfit often depending on the occasion are what she wants to do. XD this is the longest comment I have ever written
Animations (1)
My OC Breeze
6 years ago