Messy pov lmt
01.02.2022 00:59
LinkRah so basically, your oc gets lost on a hike and is forced to wounder the woods alone. Its been a few days. You're tired and scared guided only by the stars and the light from your flashlight. Usually the forest was filled with the sound of crickets a nocturnal animals but tonight you keep hearing something behind you but when you look nothing is there. But the trees above to move alot. At one point you stop to see where you are. Thats when you feel something large behind you. It definitely isn't human wwyd
(He is very light sensitive so light can hurt his eyes and temporarily blind him)
~Once Azar reached the wall he used his back arms to climb up the side of the cliff. Eventually he reached a small hole in the cliff. He squeezed through, still holding Finn. Inside what looked like a small area was actually a very large cave. It was decorated with glow-worms and alot of different colored rocks. I mean alot.~
~Azar grinned, he set them down and nodded. He ran to one of the piles of rocks and pushed them aside. Under were a whole bunch of bugs. He scooped them into his hands. He walked back to fin and dropped them infront of him. Azar wasn't really sure what people ate but from Finns wings he could only assume Finn ate what birds did. He gestured to their mouth. Pushing the bugs more towards them~ {Finn food}
~He climbed bsck onto the web and stood over them. He wrapped finn in the old blanket like a little baby. Azar laid next to him and wrapped all his arms around them, pulling them close. Where he was from this was traditional because nights hot cold and thry would sleep in a small group to preserve heat. Though that wasn't much of a problem now just habit~