school stuff

Gift4@Luckygem (no requests)

They were your favorite

Stress relief



Kha'Zix :P


08.10.2020 13:10
Linksorry i faked cutting, i was gonna do it, then backed out, thinking of what my friends said, so i grabbed an image of google. Moving accounts

08.10.2020 13:13
Linkfollow me, her account

08.10.2020 13:13
LinkDon´t move! Please... :(

08.10.2020 13:15
Linkand sorry for using ice for screenshots

08.10.2020 13:20
Linksorry for starting a huge fight, im gonna draw now, i hope you all forgive me atleast a little bit

08.10.2020 13:21
LinkIt´s okay.. Wanna be friends then?

08.10.2020 13:23

08.10.2020 17:38
Linkand sorry for using ice for screenshots, lying etc, i messed up big time, im sorry

I don’t accept your apology sorry
Not after you used me and we’re the reason of a quarter of my panic attack because I was genuinely worried about you. Not after you searched for words of sympathy from me for things that you faked. Never again.
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Dont ever do that again. People were genuinely worried about you, and you played with theirs and my feelings. That is very immature and disgraceful.

Like everyone said, running away from problems? fake cutting, lying?
using ice?? that's something we all can't forgive you for. And after what you did to me? Cuss, claim my account, use me, fight, etc. You can not I mean NOT do that to all of this of course me, i was your bestest friend. You ignored my warnings to on discord for my server. You were a good person but your past and right now is very bad i have to say. Say sorry for all that stuff.

and here she goes, bringing up something i already said sorry for, that was in the past, way longer ago than this. You aren't a very good friend, neither am i, but still. I never used you for anything, pancake, i told you, that was just a prank. I dont want to fight, you always get offended because why? im busy? im always having a busy day? caring for my dog, my mom, my brothers, and all you want is time from me?
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I don't think you're sorry at all. You faked cutting yourself. And something else?? That's something I ****ing hate.
Nope not gonna forgive you.