A Creative Name I guess




cutecoofee fenart :3

Ice Bear

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Wisteria - Species


12.08.2020 02:58
Link- Wisteria Species -
This is a semi-open species. Just comment below if you want to make one and you can make one if I let you :)
- About the species -
These are ocean creatures. They have wings because it is believed that their ancestors were flying amphibians. They can not live out of water for more than 5 minutes. They have grown a tail and they have no back legs. Elder Wisteria have larger wings and they have bumps for back legs (Very small bumps, almost not noticible) Male Wisteria are smaller than females. The one above is a male Wisteria. Female Wisteria have slightly larger wings and body. Female Wisteria have sharper tails, which are 2x larger than males. They have slightly transparent skin, which is only noticible under a strong light. They have light skin and eyes, and very rarely have dark skin. Usually the one with darker skin live longer. There is no reasearch done on how long they live. They each live to be very different ages, but for darker ones they live longest.

12.08.2020 03:00
LinkThere are not enough dark ones to have an age put out. On average (32%) of the Wisteria population, they live to be 12 years of age.
There are albino Wisteria out there, but there are only about 20. Most of them have been captured and sold by an illegal seller.
They reproduce asexually by budding. Basically a tiny Wisteria grows on any of them and starts to grow until eventually it breaks off.

Hi! I would maybe like to make one. If I can't, that's fine. If I shouldn't be here, yeah that's fine too.