Patrick Inception

Im melting!

Explosive Magic

Moth in Daylight Prairie

Citrus Anime: Broken


Citrus (glitternation MAP)


03.04.2018 07:00
LinkOh, that arm wiggle though xD

03.04.2018 07:02
Yeah. It's kinda rough. That person was supposed to be me, and I didn't really care about my character's movement. I only care how Mei and Yuzu look. XD <3

06.06.2018 02:44
Linkyuzu x mei goles
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the way you draw anime is refreshing idk why you should make your own anime though it would be EPIC!! ?

WHah!!!!! I never watched citrus because I thought the storyline was kinda ood, and not really my type, BUT I LOVE IT WHEN YOU DRAW IT!!!!

Lacey-Grammer this is for you, people like you inspire me to draw and keep on drawing! i love your art and art style! sooooooo amazing <3 totally love it. And how do you draw with just a mouse???? :( my hands are so tired

Aw~ Well, I'm glad that I can be an inspiration to you!
Drawing with a mouse just takes practice and a steady hand. For the longest time, I never had a digital art pen so I'd just draw with my mouse. I guess I've grown accustomed to it. ^_^
I'm thankful that you're continuing your work! After all, there is no way to improve without practice. Keep up the great work! ;)

Omg, you are so amazing!! I recently started, and I need some tips. I would love it if you looked at some of my art and gave some pointers. You're art is awesome!!!

Aw~ Thanks!
Your art is nice. Some of your animations make me a bit sad, though because you say that you're not good enough in them. You doubt your abilities. Here is my advice. Everyone's art is different and unique, so don't cut your own down when you are another vital addition to the unique art world. Your art is nice and will only get better the more you practice and experiment. So, please don't talk yourself down. Your art, like all works, is amazing and necessary! ^_^
I hope this was helpful. Thanks for reading and viewing my art. <3

Goodness , I've been looking through these vids and how in the world are you not working for a major animation company? Good stuff.
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