Shellwing for contest
15.12.2022 03:20
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💦🗡🦀 for this contest--->
Description: Red, orange, tan and pale blue in color. Normal heavy set because of their crab-like armor and have large spiky fin-like structures along chest, neck and forearms. Has barbs like the ones of a lionfish down back and on the end of its wing fingers which can cause lots of pain if stabbed with. Same splotch patterns on the inner wing as lionfishes' fins. Have large claws on their back legs which can cut through dragon scales with ease. Can’t be out of water too long or they will collapse because of their heavy weight and suffocate. Tend to live alone in shallow salt water.
Abilities: Can’t breath fire but can squirt hot water at close range. Can hold breath for a long time. Most scales on its body are too hard to cut with normal claws except the one closest to the head on the underbelly.
Queen: Redrock