
caty pooom

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Introducing Cleatos

The Avelion! For a contest!

u still on?


03.12.2021 23:14
LinkOk so ik im not the person ur tryna talk to but can I ask u smth

03.12.2021 23:16

03.12.2021 23:19
LinkIdk if @XxL00s3erxX's 100% back to normal cause they kinda seem like it but did they break up with u I didn't wanna ask them cause idk it just made me nervous to upset em

03.12.2021 23:21
Link...yeah she left me like a day or 2 days after getting back together with me....ik she doesnt seem like shes back to normal bc she was kinda mean to me and shes normally not like that....

03.12.2021 23:49
Linkah i see im sorry
maybe she just didnt wanna talk at the time

03.12.2021 23:50
Link...its fine..it dont matter ill just lay here hart broken and fake being happy :]

03.12.2021 23:56
LinkIf you ever need to vent im here
It gets better tho maybe she'll come back to ya after she's calmed down

03.12.2021 23:58
Link...idk....she came back to me then left me....i fvcked up and she wont ever come back to a loser like me....

04.12.2021 00:00
LinkYour not loser and you didn't mess up something just happened between her and her parents

04.12.2021 00:04
Link...yeah bc of me....i emailed her bc i didnt know and her mom found out....

04.12.2021 00:08
Linkthats fine then you couldnt have know her mom would see

04.12.2021 00:12
Link....ik but i feel horrible for it....bc now i lost my love....i just want to be numb rn...my chest hurts...

04.12.2021 00:13
Linkyou dont wanna be numb bud it sucks to lose someone you love ive been there but it does get better

04.12.2021 00:15
Link....but if im numb then i wont love her anymore...which means i can take myself out...

04.12.2021 00:17
LinkBut no one wants that and taking urself out won't do anything it'll get rid of that pain but there even better ways to do that

04.12.2021 00:20
Link....nah bc when im here she still thinks of me....if im gone no one will have to think or worry abt me again....i just dont want to live without her...but i cant make her love me....

04.12.2021 00:21
LinkIf you do something risky it'll hurt her and others and they'll miss you so much. Because it was recent it won't be easy but try focusing on yourself and doing things that make you happy

04.12.2021 00:23
Link....it cant hurt her if she doesnt know...and thx but imma have to pass....it feels wrong to be happy without her....

04.12.2021 00:26
LinkYeah but I'd know and I can't promise I wouldn't talk to her abt it. I know it feels wrong if its loving you and if you vant do that then there's a problem

04.12.2021 00:27
Link....imma go do something stupid....might be back if not bye bud-

04.12.2021 00:29
LinkPlease don't I can distract you or something just please dont

04.12.2021 00:30
Link...ill think abt not but i gtg im heading home and i need to do school work so imma go and ill be back tonight.....prolly in abt 4-5 hours.....i wont do anything yet ill wait until tmrw if i do want to bc then im home alone....

04.12.2021 00:32
LinkAlr if you want I can talk to you again tomorrow but still please don't do anything risky my emails londosar0@Gmail.com I don't have anything to do over the weekend or tonight so I'll be free whenever alr

04.12.2021 00:34
Link...okay i might email u but idk....

04.12.2021 00:36
LinkAlr stay safe and remember you matter

04.12.2021 00:37
Link...i really dont...shes happy without me...doesnt even seem like it hurt her....man she really didnt love me did she?

04.12.2021 00:43
LinkHey lets stop thinking abt her and focus on you ok?

04.12.2021 00:44
Link...i cant...i couldnt sleep last night bc i couldnt stop thinking abt her i cant stop shaking and crying bc i cant stop thinking abt her....it was almost a year...just 1 more month to go and it wouldve been a year but now im just heart broken-

04.12.2021 00:46
Linkit'll be ok tho and you wanna know why? Because your strong and af and will get through this. Even if you dont believe that I do! When you lose someone you love it hurts and it hurts even more when you feel like they're happy without you

04.12.2021 00:48
Link...ik....and thats why ill let her be happy without me...after tonigt she wont ever have to worry abt my happiness ever again...she'll never see anything from me ever again.....

04.12.2021 00:51
LinkGood but like i said early dont do anything risky ok you've got ppl who'd miss you

04.12.2021 00:52
Link...ill try not to...but no promises....

04.12.2021 00:53
Linkthats enough for me i know its not easy but some day it'll be a hell of a lot easier than it is now

04.12.2021 00:54
Link...idk...i feel like shes just gonna come back and leave over and over again knowing ill run back everytime bc im a sucker for love....

04.12.2021 00:55
Linkwell then that would make her toxic and i'll be damned if i let any kid of mine be toxic

04.12.2021 00:58
Link....i just want her back...but ik i wont get her back...imma go cry and do my homework now...

04.12.2021 00:59
Linki know ya do bud crying is healthy so get it all out alr