Anyone grown out of this Webs-
23.07.2024 13:25
LinkYou guys may know me in 2019-2020. Just another post here to show that I’m not dead lmao. Just growing up. I’ve been on flipanim since 2017, and still embarrassed from the stuff I’ve drawn in 2019-2020 💀💀 but I’m not the same person now. I’m still surprised that this site still has active users but sad that the owner hasn’t posted in a while. I quit this site like permanently since 1. The editor is tilted to the left side and still hasn’t be fixed. 2. It’s more worth it to draw in a different program instead. 3. I changed identities almost completely and the stuff I drawn back in 2019-2020 doesn’t reflect me now (I even privated my YouTube)
I don’t think anyone is going to care but my discord is Kazama.toru for anyone curious.
23.07.2024 13:41
Link*going to be my last post on this account so I’m not going to post again
Yes and no
Yes because college is keeping me busy
No because I love FA's limitations cuz it breeds creativity