This day Aria


21.03.2024 21:39
21.03.2024 21:39
LinkThis day is going to be perfect
The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small
Everypony will gather 'round
Say I look lovely in my gown
What they don't know is that I have fooled them all
This day was going to be perfect
The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small
But instead of having cake
With all my friends to celebrate
My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all
I could care less about the dress
I won't partake in any cake
Vows? Well, I'll be lying when I say
"That through any kind of weather
I'll want us to be together"
The truth is I don't care for him at all
No, I do not love the groom
In my heart there is no room
But I still want him to be all mine
We must escape before it's too late
Find a way to save the day
Hope I'll be lying if I say
"I don't fear that I may lose him
To the one who wants to use him
Not care for love and cherish him each day"

21.03.2024 21:40
LinkFor I oh-so love the groom
All my thoughts he does consume
Oh, Shining Armour
I'll be there very soon
Finally the moment has arrived
For me to be one lucky bride
Oh, the wedding we won't make
He'll end up marrying a fake
Shining Armour will be
All mine

21.03.2024 21:43
LinkI was listening to the song and made a universe in my head about me and my friends characters
The girl on the left is named Jade and she’s a very horrible person
The guy in the middle is named Apollo and he’s a very nice guy
The girl on the right is named Nuka and she is strong minded
Apollo and Jade are Liders characters Nuka is mine

21.03.2024 21:59
LinkNormalize making Fanart of your friends ocs out of no where unannounced randomly

21.03.2024 22:01
LinkAccount27 hates drawing guys but they’ll do it for there bestfriends

I do love evil women as characters however I wouldn’t say I love jade, unlike other villian characters and evil women I have as ocs she TW sexually assaulted Apollo several times
She crossed a line that goes past forgivable for redeemable in my eyes
She was Apollos previous partner before he met Nuka in cannon

ITS FUNNY BC I KILLED HER LOL with a chain saw she’s dead in cannon
She’s supposed to represent a lesser known base of assaulters
Women as perpetrators towards men are taken less seriously and people victim blamed Apollo when he tried to confide to others with his tramua
I want get too deep into it Apollo isn’t my character but that’s the jist