Cruenta's backstory:


10.02.2021 16:47
Linkwhen she was three, a gang of robbers broke into the house. her mom grabbed her and ran to the phone to call 911 while her dad distrackted them. the robbers had almost got to her mom and cruenta, but by the time they did, the police where on there way. this attack happened in the middle if the night, and vampires came out at midnight. vampires can smell/feel stress, anxiety, anger, and sadness strongest at night-and most strongest at midnight. that's when the vampires striked. they smelled the robbers, whome were terrified of the police, and getting arested, or fined largely, the vampires striked to kill. (fun-I mean, disturbing fact: vampires will only kill adualts. they bite the kids, to infect) the police where almost at the house, but by the time they arived, cruenta's parents where dead. she was there all alone, infected, not knowing her horibble fate. she spent a whole year with her uncle, but then he died in a car crash, and she spent seven years at the orphanage, and now, she is 13, still at the or-

10.02.2021 16:50
Link-orphanage, but she never bit or attacked anyone at the orphanage unless they where makeing her sad, or angry, or if she felt threatened by them. when she was 12, she got attacked by a werewolf. but she always mannages to control herself unless she feels in danger, uncommfortable, sad, or angry.

10.02.2021 17:14
Link...shes also a highly talented witch