
wow animation

A cute little animation

The colours of imagination


just a fat being jiggly

i`ll conquer it
Tell me a story :3


24.07.2018 15:43
LinkJust tell me a random story

this happend when i was five, in the summer
so me. my older sister and our nighbor up the street, i call her australia (i just need a name and there is a map infront of me)
so i was an extreamly enegetic stupid bean at the time, (i have sever adhd, so i had alot of energy, this is before i was dioagnosed)
so australia and my older sister suggested we build fort, and i got to choose my spot, so i chose the tree (i was in australia's backyard)
i then wondered "huuuuuuuummmmmm what would it be like if i ran with my eyes closed?" to be continused

okay, back, had dto clean my room and walk the dog
so ,my 5 year old brain wonder "huuuuuuuummmmmm what would it be like if i ran with my eyes closed?"
i know i was a real genius back then
so i ran full speed face first into a tree, and blacked out for a second due to the force of impact,
when i regained conceousness, like 2 seconds later, like half of my entire face was scrapped and bleeding, not that hevily but still, i cried my eyes out and my older sister ruhed me home,

So in science class a few months ago, there was a mid who was really rude and inappropriate. I don't say his real name, but let's call him Edward.
So Edward was trying to see who I liked for some reason.
Edward: so do you like Kenny?
Me: no
Edward: do you like Brendan?
Me: no
Edward: do you like Samantha?
Me: she's a girl
Edward: exactly
Me: ...