



Silverstream x Graystripe

I wanna be an astronaut

Toothless and Hiccup.


01.08.2022 15:53
LinkYes I feel the need to make this bc apparently I like something with a horrible fandom and some of the fandom is here

01.08.2022 16:00
LinkSo anyways, I like mha, oh no so horrible
but I'm not in the fandom, I'm simply in my own little corner doing my own stuff
I want nothing to do with the fandom
so if you're going to communicate with me with the show, here is some do nots,
-Don't start weird drama
-Don't fetishize LGBTQ ppl/gaywash (and this is coming from an LGBT person so...)
-Dont bring up ships, (except deku and miss marshmellow boots, they are pure and make me happy)
I sinned and I have on of my ocs shipped with a pre existing character
and if you on like it? Then shoo, I genuinely don't care if it triggers you bc of your otp or something, bc like
you see
I'm not even doing anything wrong, and the ship that character is in is fandom ship and I don't even pay attention to the fandom
bc like, it's not even bad
both characters are consenting adults
healthy relationship
not fetishization despite being between two boys
it's just for the wholesome
that's it
an it makes me happy. And if that bugs you idc
the show ma

01.08.2022 16:04
LinkMha is a comfort show to me
please don't kill my interest because that's not nice

01.08.2022 16:10
LinkAlso bakugou makes me mad
bakudeku makes me even madder. If you support bakudeku stay 20 platforms away from me

01.08.2022 17:13
LinkAlso I finally understand mha references I'm not a boomer anymore