Og Speices Airurando no utsuku


29.11.2020 17:37

29.11.2020 17:37
LinkAirurando no utsukushi-sa Translates to Irish Beauty the irish beauty is a canine seen uncomonly in ireland they are pretty tall and are really fluffy! they originated in 1916 During the easter rising in county cork first spotted near a town called dunmanway. Many where scared of the creature as in the irish winters it looked like a shadow. The beauty part of the name come from how gracefull they are and irish because they originated in ireland. During ww2 they where also used as a way of transport By The Uk (the irish let the english use them)

29.11.2020 17:37
Linkmales are tallet than the females and have larger wings but are less fluffy. they have a life span of around 15-25 years matters if they are healthy they have long claws and are usally black brown white or orange. but on other facters than can have shades of blue yellow purple and red
Females are smaller than the males and have smaller wings but they are more fluffy with a life span of 17-26 years if they are healthy they have sharp and long claws and are usally black brown or white with shades of blue or purple
There Eyes can be amber blue grey black red or purple
These are a closed speices but ill make adopts or otas and let close friends( ask first) make one