Droodler: LazyComedian
Character Creator ||Flipanim||
Exploding Rose
TiP - Drawing Suggestions :D
WWYD lmt plz
10.08.2020 18:44
LinkSo you/oc got themselves lost in a forest and have been wondering around all day.it starts getting dark outside and it's getting hard to see.you see a little house in a distance and when you starts walking towards it you get caught in a trap she set.after a few seconds she ran out of she ran out of the house to check on the trap and she looks at you with a confused and a annoyed face.wwyd?
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Ash:can i talk to you guys for a moment?
*she brought the parents inside and brought them into the kitchen*
*all of the boy siblings surrounded the guards asking about their jobs and spears*(there were three boys and three girls)
*all of the girls surrounded squirrly asking what being a prince was like*
Dad:*he scoots to the end of the couch making his head fall on the couch*...
Ash:well what were YOU guys thinking before you decided to switch sides?
mom:what made you guys want to change your mind about being the bad guys?
brother 1:mommy can we go play outside with the guard?
*he points at guard two*
mom:if it's ok with him....
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Squirrly: My parents made a deal with them because the King was my father cousin, they were next in line for the throne and they took over, leaving me behind to feel...forgotten...
Guard 1: His parents died and they took over. They destroyed everything that we had worked for...
Guard 2: *he laughed and followed*
Dad:she doesn't need you guys because there shouldn't even BE any danger coming towards her direction!what you need to do is leave!
Ash:DAD!he doesn't have a place to go! you heard what i said about his you know whats!and you can't just kick him out of MY house!!
Dad:OK fine!you can keep the prince but I don't feel comfortable having two random guys just standing inside of my daughter's house 24/7!!they need to leave!not to mention the fact that they waited most of his life to FINALLY say somthing about those people!!
mom:honey calm down..
Dad:i don't care if they have a home or not!i just don't want them INSIDE of MY child's house!!!
*the dad was wagging his tail*
Ash:what if it's raining or snowing?do just want them to stand out side,get sick and die?!?
Dad:Who do you think you're talking to like that young lady?!I said i just don't want them inside of your house!!
*he face turned red*