watching glmvs rn


13.11.2022 04:27
Linkidk its somewhat comforting watching stuff from your childhood sometimes

13.11.2022 04:30
Linki think its funny how not many people noticed how in the song my R all the people shes seeing on the rooftop and telling them all notto jump its jsut herself and shes telling herself not to do it until she finally jumps in the end of the song (example: the girl with braided hair, the girl "short as can be", the girl with the yellow cardigan) but in the end the lyrics specifically say "taking off my yellow cardigan, watching my braids all come undone- this petite girl short as can be is gonna jump now and be free"
idk i thought it was interesting

13.11.2022 04:32
Linki also think its interesting how in the end of the song, if you take the song my R and do a glmv with two songs and put miss wanna die after it it makes sense like how the song my R ends with her jumping but in miss wanna die she wakes up in the hospital from her previous attempt at su1c1de
i figured that out in like 3rd grade
its just something i always thought of but never told anyone