The Mothman


14.07.2018 18:39
LinkName-Richard, but because of his bad rep, more known as The Mothman
Status-strait,single because wtf ofcourse most people aren’t going to be into a big harry moth person
Personality- bit of a jokester-can’t take anything seriously-and mainly, his dream is to be famous, but that’s a bit unrealistic,so pretty much he’s a comedian
Height-9 ft
In RP- for this character you’d be in the woods if you were to manage to run into him, he’d find you yadda yadda yadda you get the point, so what i’m trying to say is, don’t come up with your character like “Hi! I’m (insert the rest of the sentence here) what’s your name 0V0” The Mothman is kinda like bigfoot but a moth, rumors ‘n stuff, so depending on your character, fear is the most common and prefered reaction
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~Richard~ "Talking To The's about someone i used to know, an old friend, the only other human to actually try to "like" me, let's just say- well she's-...she moved on from me, met a nice guy that doesn't have to hide away yadda yadda yadda you get the point... any way it's a bit of a personal song, i like to sing it when i feel alone ^^"

~Richard~ " well, she was human like you, she wasn't the richest and well...growing up i wasn't..." he gestures to himself " this...i was human, along with my transformation, i lost control, like this body had it's own mind, and i-...i did something i regret to this day....a-any way lets not talk about this sad stuff" he smiles but it's obviously fake

Avery- Okay then. *races upstairs* Okay what to make, uh.. perhaps a grilled steak with a side of Roasted Corn and Heirloom Tomato Salad, and topping the steak will be some peppercorn, alright. *she goes outside grills the steak prepares the salad, takes a couple hours once down she pours two glasses of water and walks downstairs*
Be prepared i made a lot- xDDD trust me it's good though.

Richard~ he leads her to a door, opening it, there's a roofless rocky room, the moon shining in, in the center there's a pond, water glowing, and the fish seem to glow too, there are vines and small glowing moth like creatures " this is where i was cursed" he looks in the water and a human in his reflection " it is quite beautiful though...

Richard~ i don't remember, i fell in, and now my other half is stuck over there, I've read in books that if i find a rare herb and mix it with some of the powder from the wings of these moths i can be human but only shift at night or when i feel strong, uncontrollable anger....i have to find it, i want to be able to go places,to do things with my life

Chris~ nervously clearing his throat, they both head out, faintly you can hear them "what..."
Richard~ "you know about took her away, and here you are now, trying to lock me up like a god damn caged animal, were is she now, how's the ****ing marriage" he growls
Chris~ " look, so you turn into a big harry beast and she leaves you for me, i mean come on, look at me, how could she not-"
Richard~ ropes snap, he lunges his arm forward and lifts him by the neck " leave...." he throws him to the ground " i'm just as human as you, don't gamble with monsters or you'll get yourself killed" he rubs his wrists, the ropes were painfully tight
Chris~ rubs his neck " don't you think this is over" he quickly gets up and they all leave
Richard~ walks back out, the muzzle still on tight, he'd battered and bruised, slowly he'd look up from the ground at Avery from across the room

Avery- *She grabs the bandages from the drawer, but she places alcohol on the wounds to clean them* "This may sting a bit, but it'll heal quicker." *after she places the alcohol on the table, she wraps the wounds with bandages* Ice.. i need ice for the bruises. *she runs upstairs and grabs and ice pack and hands it to him* "For the bruises."

Avery- *She walks down the steps, and into the kitchen* "Alright that's done, now some toast" >:3 *she makes the toast, spreads honey, does the usual* "Okay. deep breaths and close your eyes xD" *she slowly walks downstairs, EYES CLOSED* "Uh..Richie? i brought clothes down here..My eyes are closed so yeah.."

(Once you hear a disney stays there.... no escaping.)
Avery- Come along then. *she walks with him around the city, once they reach the park, she looks at him, still smiling* "This is nice y'know, being with you, and this is the first time you've been out in the public, wonderful isn't it?"
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Avery- Let's go then.. *FastForward they get there, there by the beach a restaurant sat, they walk inside and are greeted by a waitress, the inside of the restaurant looks quite fancy and lovely*
Waitress- Table for two?
Avery- Yes!
Waitress- Indoor or outside on the patio?
Avery- *Looks at him* What would you prefer?