

-never had a friend like me-



part 1: the chase

The Avelion! For a contest!
some ideas 4 underanim mtt!


23.03.2022 12:25

23.03.2022 12:26
Linkso i was drawing underanim mtt last night, and i came up with some ideas for au mmt (cont-)

23.03.2022 13:18
Linkso i was considering atc's idea of the old website/new website, and i was thinking that,, like,,
mtt used to just make dumb little wholesome anims w/ napstablook n the cousins, but over time he sorta grew out of their account. he couldn't make an acc cause of the facebook registration (damn you, broken button!) until he finally met alphys, who made him a new account. he left his old shared account and began to make new content, quickly gaining popularity and features. his first content was mostly just art, but it developed into collabs and animations.

23.03.2022 13:24
Linkand uhh around the ex part of the game was him considering moving to another social media like insta but he realized that everyone on fa needs him and there are enough good artists on those other platforms

blinks in excitment! thats cool!
honestly im trying to figure out... how to incorperate the account thing still.
its hard to type it all out, but honestly the accounts arent a literal thing, they are gonna be represented someone, for example the 'viewer's yinn will get before they lose batteries and such.
keeping the story in mind! good idea!! :D