Chapter 5


31.03.2020 12:50
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31.03.2020 12:50
Link"T-tord...?" Tom mumbled, looking at where Tord stood on the other side of the door. He had removed his hoodie, and was now wearing a white shirt with the word 'awesome' in grey. He was holding flowers in an assortment of blues and whites. He smiled gently.
"Mind if I come in...?" He asked tentatively. Tom was still standing there, his mouth agape, staring at Tord.
He's trying to trick you again, Tom.
Don't trust him.
Tom hesitated, looked down, and slammed the door.
I can't let him close to me... why can't I let him close...
Because you know he's trying to trick you.
But what if he's not?
But what if he is?

31.03.2020 12:50
LinkTom balled his hands into fists, his nails digging into his skin. He was feeling light-headed again, and the room began to spin.
Agh... I need something to drink...
Tom held his head and began to open the door back, hoping that Tord would have left. Thankfully enough, Tord had walked back to his room right after Tom had slammed the door. Keeping that in mind, Tom began to walk to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. As he walked down the hall, he heard a door creak. Tord, He thought. He picked up pace, hoping to keep Tord away. He reached the living room, where Matt and Edd were watching some zombie movie.
"Hey Tim!" Matt called.
"Tom..." Tom corrected gruffly. Edd looked over.
"You okay, Tom? When did you get the new hoodie?" Edd asked. Tom shrugged him off, hoping to avoid questions. His head began to pound as the room took another spin cycle, and his arms burned.

31.03.2020 12:51
LinkHe walked to the kitchen, feeling Edd's eyes follow him. He could hear the footsteps of Tord. Tom grabbed a glass from the cabinet, quickly filling it with water and pulling the glass to his lips, tossing his head back quickly.
Too quickly.
The force caused the room to become a blur, and he dropped the glass. It shattered on the floor, the remaining water in it spilling out. Tom tried to steady himself, and Tord rushed over to catch him, making it barely in time. There was a ringing in Tom's ears, causing Tord's words to become muffled. He couldn't figure out what he was saying. He closed his eyes, trying to block out the aching feeling and the siren of sound.
After a couple minutes of panicking, Tom opened his eyes to find himself laying on the couch. Tord was sitting in the recliner beside him. As Tom awoke, Tord got up and hovered over him.
"Tom? Are you okay? What happened?" Tom was immediately pelted with questions.
"Tord..." Tom groaned.

31.03.2020 12:51
Link"Give me my knife back." Tom kept his voice low as he stared at Tord.
"What? No. I don't want you hurting yourself." Tord responded.
"Shhh! Don't be so loud!" Tom growled, looking around.
"Edd and Matt are upstairs." Tord told him. Tom shook his head.
"Doesn't matter." He looked over Tord's shoulder at something behind him. "What's that?" Tom pointed. As Tord turned around, Tom reached into his pocket, pulling out both the knife and the picture Tord had put in there. Tord turned around, surprised.
"Hey- Tom no!" Tord tried to grab the knife as Tom tried to climb over the back of the couch. Tord grabbed Tom's hood, pulling him back. Tom let out a yelp.

31.03.2020 12:51
Link"Let go of me!" He growled, attempting to shove Tord off.
"Not until you tell me wh-" Tord cut himself off as Edd and Matt rushed down the stairs.
"What's going on? Tom?" Edd looked between Tord and Tom, then glanced at the knife in Tom's hand. The blade still had drops of dried blood on it, causing the knife to almost have a rusted look.
"Tom...?" Edd looked at Tom, confused and concerned. Tom felt his face burn, and he couldn't meet Edd's eyes. He looked at Tord.
"This is all your fault..." He whispered to Tord. Tord glared at him.
"I'm just trying to help you."

31.03.2020 12:53
Link"I don't need your help." His voice began to rise, and Matt and Edd just watched them, not sure of what to do.
"If I needed help, I would have asked!"
"No you wouldn't have!"
"How would you know?"
"Because you've resorted to cutting yourself!" Tord immediately regretted it. He brought his hand to his mouth, looking at Tom. Edd and Matt let out a small gasp. Tom turned to face them.
The pain in their eyes was unbearable. Tom felt tears burn like acid as they ran down his face.
"T-Tom... Is this true...?" Edd asked gently, trying to remove the pain in his voice. Tom nodded gently, pulling up his sleeves and removing the bandages. He didn't make eye contact with any of them, but he could feel the burn of their stares.

31.03.2020 12:55
LinkI told you he would tell them.
Shut up...
You know you're no good.
I said shut up...
Face it.
"Shut up! Just shut up!" He gripped his head. "I know I'm not good enough for them, I know I shouldn't be here, so just shut up!" Tom cried, pushing his hands into his hair. He felt a sudden warmth on his shoulder, and looked over to see Tord wrapping his arms around Tom.

31.03.2020 12:57
Link"Shhh... Calm down." He cooed. Tom looked over and saw Matt and Edd come closer as well, and they all huddled on the couch, attempting to calm Tom down.
No one will love you if you cry for help.
He tried his best to block out the voice, and, slowly but surely, he fell asleep in the warm embrace of his friends.
(A/N) Sorry again for another short chapter, I'm doing my best to write at least two chapters a week! I hope you like it so far.