Request from SliceOfPi3 :3
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Snek Hug 2.0
12.04.2021 20:09
LinkRules: Draw a story about a muscled man either make a little animation or type the story in the comments
1st place: A follow and 20 likes
2nd place: a follow and 10 likes
3rd place 5 likes
once upon a time a muscled man ate lots of things and became buff he went tospace found an alien wrestled went to earth drank beer and he said I NEVER MISS LEG DAY then he fell on the ground since he was wearing high heels legend says that if u read this his high heel will haunt u
There was someone who's name was Jake, and he ate a lot so he got fat. Then he gone to the gym, gone every day for 4 years he was tough enough to beat up 15 men with baseball bats. He liked this life so he became a boxer. Then a wrestler. He became so popular that people were jealous. One day he was 35 and someone broke into his house and shot him. BUT THEN HE GRABBED THE BULLET AND THREW IT BACK AT EM! And he lived his life peacefully.
there was this guy named PAUL THE WRESTLER
when its 2003,he divorced with his wife,and went to a hotel,sadly,he doesnt have that much money.So he was kicked out from the hotel because he didint pay.he became homeless.Then someone donated and his name way JIMMY THE RICH GUY(yall know thats mrbeast) .He donated 100,000 $$$
and thats enough money for Paul to buy a house,pay bills ,and buy food for 1 month,then he was a normal gamer.He was playing Apex,Valorant,Fortnite,COD,Playerunkownsbattlegrounds,CSGO,and Halo.
once he was streaming,he just Made the BEST PLAY ever.Every true fan donated 1,000 $$$.
he has 20 fans(true) so he had 20,000
then he went to a local pool,paid 10 $$$ to teh owner,and the owner heard that he was the best gamer in COD .
he was a cod player,also a fan,so he donated 1,000,000
he gave half of it to charity,and 500,000 to himself,he woukd get food for a year.
one of the people who got 5,000$$$ is secretly rich .
and a fan,he was so happy.He knew jake was a gamer,so he just donated
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1000$$$ ,paul was so rich that he could buy a 20000000,0000000 mansion.
he went to a boxing match and after that the manager wanted volunteers and paul said,"I would like to do that.",the manager was happy and the other match,he fighted with Harry.A very Professional wrestler and boxer.paul defeated Harry and was recorded .it was in the news .he was a bit he excercised for 3 days.he was alright and is like other boxers and wrestlers.after that he went to a house and it was his daughters house.then in 1:00 am someone broke to their house and almost shot the girl.luckily they survived,PAUL GOT AN UNO REVERSE CARD AND HE USED AND BOOM,THE SUSPECT DIED.And he got rich and rich until he died.bye