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Don't Push The Button!

Kyubey doing Incubator things

quick animation

finally done!! (5 hours)


06.12.2018 01:01
LinkI pursue in realistic drawing, but not digitally, I'll take a pic of my realistic art and show it to you guys tomorrow. Even though I do not pursue realism digitally , I still do it on paper instead, one of my most preferred tools to use is simply just a pencil. I like using a pencil because you get more detail to see and it's easier to make shades. No I don't do that stupid thing where you rub the freaking pencil to make a shade. I do it just by hand.

06.12.2018 01:02
LinkAnother thing about me is thaaat, most would not agree with me but, I may not love anime as much but My hero Acedamia and Soul eater are the best.

06.12.2018 01:04
LinkI spend a lot of time drawing in class or talking to Mia, But When I'm home I like to spend some time with my dog lucy and my cats JJ and Franklin, JJ bites you if you pet his belly, and lucy is a small Yorkie, JJ is also super fluffy may I mention, mean while Franklin is the energetic one that when he plays his eyes get big and dark.

06.12.2018 01:05
LinkBut I have another cat, she's really fat and that's why I love her, but she stays with my sister in her room because shes really shy, but when you go up to her alone shes really sweet

06.12.2018 01:05
LinkSome other things about me is that I have ripped jeans, a lot of them, whenever I get new ones I rip holes in the knees

06.12.2018 01:06
LinkI also have a very big passion for writing stories and putting detail into them, and I want to take a major in animation at Purdue!

I can shade very well with a pencil I can't do it with tablet rip. I frikin suck drawing on here with a tablet if I have pencil and paper I would be a frikiiiinnnnn bosss