Jump! Request @FlowerKetchup


YAAAS dragon


One Punch Man Dodging

Cutie? Wh e re ?

I want to kill my art


24.05.2019 20:19
Linkand if I dislike you you can die too and I won’t care

24.05.2019 20:19
LinkWhat's wrong...?

(advice from someone)
Just concentrate on trying to draw what you want to draw, and stop putting high expectations on it, that frustration you are feeling has more to do with the fact you are looking for perfection in a drawing than in the fact you aren't drawing well. ( you draw absolutely ****ing amazing, just acknowledge it ) For every illustration you see posted by another artist, I can tell you there is a whole bunch of practice that happened first that you don't see, as a general rule the first, second, tenth time you draw something it's not going to be quite how you want it to be, but you keep at it, you'll find it.
But you need to also stop telling everybody to kill themselves/die or ' I hate you even if you're my friend '' just because you are not satisfied with the way your art looks. That's not a good way to cope with feelings and it's genuinely just disgusting to do,
Comment removed

If you work on art with a "see what happens" attitude you'll have a better time, less disappointment, more learning and a better chance that you'll eventually find what works. If you go in with insults because you didn't learn something you're not going to have any fun and it just makes everything worse. Don't insult yourself. It's pointless and stupid and will just make you hate art.