

11.05.2021 02:34
Linkalso any idea on how to fix the pose??^

11.05.2021 02:34
Linki appreciate all criticism^^^

11.05.2021 02:37
Linki wanna spice up her pose,,, any ideas?

11.05.2021 02:47
Linkalso i want to thank u guys for the past criticism!!!! u guys have been rlly helpful and i feel like ive been improving faster aaa^^^^

The pose? To be honest it's a little boring, but it does make me focus on the background! Just find out what you want the people to see :))

i think maybe you should make the pose a lil more natural?? maybe one of the legs r up instead of being flat,. the current pose makes the charactr is posing and not just relaxing,. (maybe fix up the tenseness too?? unsure how but i think u should make them look like theyre leaning back more)
btw this is going 2 look awesome ik it <3

oK,, i'm gonna be honest about the pose. The legs and back are too stiff. They should bent and at an angle if you want to do a leaning pose. My main concern is that the legs don't bend at all. when sitting in such way, your upper legs would be burning with pain. I DO love the color choice and background, though! ^^

Agreeing w @DESTA- , the legs r too stiff!! fluidity is important when drawing. Instead, maybe u can raise on knee, or both! Ur perspective is absolutely stunning, tho! I feel like the arms could be placed differently, too. Maybe it could be resting on one leg, or keep its position, BUT shorten the sleeve length. I know hands are frustrating, but keep practicing and u'll show improvement in no time! Also, she looks like she's about to fall lmao! i think u should change the terrain to make it longer and flatter, so it doesn't look so odd.
A pose idea! Instead of her back flat against the tree, try making her slouch over with her head propped upon her knee or both knees. (This means like, one knee or two knees would be up, and she's either looking down at her lap, or towards the sunset. It would look odd if she were facing away from the view - towards us!)
More pose idea, maybe she's not sitting. She could be standing up. If she were standing, this would be the perfect opportunity to add a windy effect! +

So many different poses u could do if they were standing. They could be leaning against the tree with their arms crossed, or maybe leaning against the tree on their right shoulder, whilst staring at the horizon.
Or! You can make her sitting, however, she is leaning against the tree with her right shoulder against the trunk, her full body facing the view.
Have fun!