I don't know if I should be-

strangecat once again

Dragon in the rain

fantastic distraction

~ Misfit ~

aventure time

@Kyadactyl b r u h


26.04.2020 16:09
Linkif you don't like what i do, why are you following me? for drama? tea?
your choice. be angered by me spitting facts and venting and being myself, or unfollow or shit and just not be angry because i exist.

26.04.2020 16:12
LinkI'm not angry tho? I just want to know what lies your saying about me

26.04.2020 16:18
LinkPFFFFFT- l I E S -
okay let me get this shit straight-
i vividly remember you calling me a nazi when you damn knew my uncle was jewish. you play the victim. you used to shove me into my locker. you stole my stuff. of course, small erasers, but i still liked those. you were really ****ing sexist towards me. saying, "i have the balls in this friendship. i get to choose what you do." and when i came out as transgender you said, "yeah because males are so much better and are the superior gender"
and plenty more. you lowered my self confidence. i couldnt stand up for myself because of your ****ery and my family issues i already have. i used to trust you. i told you my crush. you tried to share the news with her. you damn well knew she didnt know you and didnt like you talking to her, but you ****ing did anyway. if i only got to spend more time with her and you not make her uncomfortable, it couldve gotten somewhere. but no.
i hate you. periodt.

26.04.2020 16:20

26.04.2020 16:21
Linkoh AND you said very pornographic things to me when i was clearly not comfortable and disgusted. when i told mom finally, i didnt even wanna say it. i am so close to personally calling you a jackass. ****ing hell.

26.04.2020 16:22
you know what just stop talking to me and about me. im done with this.

26.04.2020 16:23
Linkshould've unfollowed me sooner. but you decided to stay and argue with me. goodbye. :)
Comment removed

26.04.2020 16:25
Linkthank you. :) what i dreamed of.