some picture i took
Apex Legends fanart <3
"To Boldly Go" Intro Part 1
Shiba Inu: for glitternation
RUDE - Eternal Youth (jsabfm)
Let's get this to 100 likes?
what i did today (12:22am)
05.11.2020 05:28
Linkwoke up in pain
ate toast
3 hours later ate ham on cheese t o a s t
i lay in bed my head absolutely dying, squirming in pain
i open the window due to being so hot for some reason (44 degrees here)
then i throw up
then i throw up again
i feel a bit better
i get hot flashes
attempts to go to sleep
then after drinking water, not even 30 minutes later, threw up again.
my dad asks me what i ate
i fell asleep for 2/3 hours
i felt so much better
woke up at like 3:43pm
messaged my dad
didn't anything for 4/6 hours
eats apple after eating something (not heavy food)
attempts to do schoolwork
05.11.2020 05:28
Linkits 12:28 am wtf go to bed