Hilda <3

Elemental - [Pilot Episode]

FA Short: Demon Deal

Zac_Shorts - Funny Face

Dj Cookie



05.05.2023 20:46
Linkso um im making this out of strong paranoia but! my icon got changed to one of my vents. im too lazy to find my original icon so i changed it to a random recent drawing so it wouldnt be a vent from march but the thing is.. I DIDNT CHANGE MY PFP IN THE FIRST PLACE! it was the pfp it has been for months then i reloaded the page and suddenly it was different??? i dont have any memory of doing that myself and ik i wouldnt have made it a vent... and do to being hacked before im ****ing scared thats the case again.
i know its probably unlikely since i changed my password here back then before ferret could touch this acc but how do i not know he didnt log in before and just not do anything yet? and when you change ur password on this website it doesnt log out any sessions on other devices for some reason, which is why i failed to get ferret out of my old account which i abandoned for that reason. but i could just be super paranoid. i will be keeping an eye on any account acrivity but just in case i am actually

05.05.2023 20:46
Linkhacked. i will say that if anything horrible and disgusting is said on this account then it isnt me at all and i will be moving accounts again if smth does happen

05.05.2023 20:47
Linkthis is just said out of paranoia and i could be totally safe but i swear i did not change my icon at all and im rlly scared on how that even happened so i feel obligated to make this post

05.05.2023 21:16
Linkermm update!
im getting more paranoid...the comments on july 14th cat were deleted without me doing anything. ik the person who commented first couldve deleted the comment BUT even then my comment still wouldve shown as a reply and thats gone too??? i didnt delete any comments so its rlly weird for that to happen on its own like that