The Dumb Date Cafe


05.03.2020 05:51

05.03.2020 05:51

05.03.2020 05:52
LinkWhy thank you

So, this art is rather to create a certain atmosphere than to transport a message. In general I'd say, you already used certain techniques to reach that goal. I know you were pointing specifically at perspective/shading/lighting so let's talk about that, too.
Overall it makes a really calming impression.
First off, your artistic level is pretty advanced compared to many of the artists on FA. Every post is a unique, constructed, completely new created art. No bases, etc. That means you carry the full burden of having no limits/constraints at all and you need to be fully aware of what exactly you want to draw. Proper respect.
Also, your artstyle is pretty consistent when it comes to techniques but also when it comes to forming/shapes. This is a good thing but I see also some limitations there, so let's talk about it. From what I'm seeing you already created a unique style.

I wanted to say something about anatomy, which is not inherently a problem of yours, don't get me wrong. I looked at many of your pieces and a certain anatomy became part of your artstyle. That is what I mean by limitation by artstyle. The heads/faces you draw are pretty round and rather wide, wich certainly is pleasant to look at. But one could argue that it lacks some diversity there. And to be perfectly honest with you, I'm not completely free from this limitation either. So, what we have to do is, break free and draw some other shapes as well. What you are already doing is great, now expand. Discover. Explore.

Also, if we are extremely pedantic for a second, there is something off about her hair a liiittle bit. Yes overall it's correct, we see her face from the right a bit, and thus we see also her hair from the right. But to me it seems a little bit like I would see her hair a little more from the right than her face. That's not inherently a problem because Hair is not solid and can somewhat shape shift, so it's not outright a "mistake".

The perspective, too, underlines the intended impression of this piece. Look at the room: It's big, it's wide, it's open. How did you achieve that? Well, you took a perspective, where the viewer is more far away from the table but the "focal length" is longer! So you're not standing directly in front of the character which makes it seem like the room is much bigger than what you're seeing. So, I cannot complain about the overall perspective, well done!
Check this focal length comparision to see what I mean (Found it via Google)

Yes, your way to draw outlines is pretty consistent over all your pieces. I even would say that you are a rather fast drawer. I also think your pieces would benefit if you would tidy up your outlines a bit. I know it's a pain but, just zoom into it, erase unnecessary lines or overlapping color. Because you do see those spots and they unnecessarily lower the quality of your piece. Also, I would erase the overlapping outline of the finger at the cheek a bit. Or even straight outlines like the ones of the poster on the wall.

The good ol' crux with shading. I can feel tha pain. No for real. In principle, from the idea over most of the realization you underlined the intended impression. Again, a good thing. What we have here is for one diffuse lighting, but it's coming roughly from a certain direction as well. In that regard most of the shades on the character and objects seem to be correct: On the neck, underneath the hair, on the hand and arm. You could have added some shading on the right side of the head (Maybe it could intensify the difference in perspective between hair and face, I'm not sure, so that would be a problem). The light itself coming through the window I'd say is made well when it comes to technique, but I also think the light beams should be way more parallel to each other, as we're speaking of diffuse sunlight. The beams would fall in like that if you would have for example a spotlight directly outside of the room. So, I would make the light beams more parallel, it would add to the impression!