my blind boi got jokerfied


28.03.2020 22:34
Linkso, like, here's the story
james and lefko met and they fell in love blah blah blah but surprise, lefko had a boyfriend. lefko found out he was poly, was confused. told his boyfriend about james and his boyfriend pretended to be fine with it but he wasn't. the boyfriend went to james' flower shop, took his leg braces off (he's legs are paralyzed so thats what he has to walk with) and then watched and laughed as my blind boi crumpled to the ground. james always has a smile on his face, of course, so the boyfriend dude carved a smile into his face and then left him there. lefko was walking around then went into the flower shop, only to find james on the floor. lefko healed him, but his healing magic wasnt strong enough to heal him fully, so now he got scars. the end.

28.03.2020 22:35
Linkand the bf also told james to stay away from lefko or else he'll kill lefko sooooo-