Shit I grew attached


09.09.2021 04:36
LinkDamnit I like this guy
A lot

09.09.2021 04:42
LinkANYWAYS information
Prefers to stalk prey rather than kill. Kidnaps them after they've found out what he has been doing.
Cycle goes like this
1. Victim has feeling of being watched constantly. Mild and doesnt usually effect daily life.
2. Victim sees Polaroid man in the corner of their eyes- feeling of being watched gets stronger, starts effecting areas of their life.
3. Victim sees Polaroid man standing in plain sight, although only the chosen victim can see him. Get too close and he disappears. Victim develops severe paranoia, may be afraid to leave house.
4. Polaroid man appears in front of victim. Doesnt do much, just takes odd pictures and gives it to victim: documented photos have been polaroid man in a selfie of the victim, posing behind them with bunny ears. A victim had a picture of polaroid man and said victim with arms around each others shoulders like old friends.
5. Polaroid man follows victim around, occasionally taking photos of the victim in odd places such as McDonald's, a park, sl

09.09.2021 04:49
LinkSleeping. Victim usually grows used to him by now, and is able to continue with daily activities, although panic attacks, rage outbursts, and other negative outbursts have been recorded in public with victim "yelling into thin air about some camera dude" a witness of one such case says.
6. Polaroid man has now trapped victim in a specific area, usually their house or some other area where it might be difficult to leave. All doors locks will be welded shut, all ways of escape have been shut off in one way or another. Camera man will stay behind the victims back, and some cases have reported that he has smashed every light he could in. Once someone is able to get inside the house, Polaroid man and the victim are nowhere to be seen.
Stage times
1. Day 1-16
2. Day 17-19
3. Day 20-30
4. Day 31-53
5. Day 54-74