
Hershey's Bar

pink worm


One Punch Man Dodging

Kurt Cobain

Copycat meme (163 frames) -_-
Chip's back(complete redesign


01.12.2018 21:37
LinkName- Chip- project 356.2
Status- single-strait
Height- 3’2
Likes- singing/music-parties-meeting new people
Dislikes- being called short-persistent people- being alone in dark spaces
Extra- this is Chip, he’s a Fennec fox, literally as in someone replaced his brain with that of a humans when he was at a very young age, his height slightly changed due to the human attributes and now he can speak fluently in english and swahili (second learned language) as a test to see how he holds up around people in a real life situation he’s been placed outside the lab into the area, being closely monitored at all times, however if he gets too excited or feels too strong of an emotion he’s shocked ( by the collar ), he’s an adult, though most assume he’s a very young child but no, he’s just short
(also main character i love the way he turned out, this redesign was like….basically re writing almost everything about this character and this new style seems to be proving me well so yay ^^)

01.12.2018 21:38
Linkthis is what he was before, not too much going on, felt kinda dull tbh --->