school stuff
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Request from Retmeal
Super🌙Maria (WIP) #4
Frisk Meme?! WAKE ME UP
[❤]This Is Ameri/ca[❤]
23.05.2020 23:52
LinkOh wow that is really good!
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you people dont get it,
people are dying or killing themselves because they are gay. Racism is spreading through America by people shooting or killings black people. The world is dying. Colored skinned people are being caught and put in cells. Woman are being "sold" and touched.
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Every other country is 100% worse. Their religions and strict rules prevent people from being lgbt+ and so much more.
America is free everyone else isn't. I feel you're kind of being ignorant for posting this. You need to understand that it's not the entire countries fault if people are insane and do sick shit.
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And for your information, people continuously say white people have more "privileged" because they're white. When it's more black privilege.
Your average black women is more likely to get a job than a white man.
People also use their skin color as an excuse frequently. I wish people wouldn't divide because of color but some people are deranged freaks who can't get the old ways out of their heads. This world isn't fair, so it's bound to have people just like it.
I also feel I need to point out that it's not entirely the parents fault. Schools and people's friends are also to blame. You spend less time with your parents than you do with your classmates.
So your parents create the bomb and the schools ignite it.
I also think it's cruel when parents have their children when they're older than most. Because that creates mental illness and problems.
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Okay adding onto this,
The racism isn't only for dark or light skins. EVERYONE with Asian descent is being attacked and a man was even killed all because COVID-19 started in woohan. School shootings are a thing. Women and men are raped all the time. Women in the modeling industry are stalked, and given fake contracts just to be kidnapped, unable to leave. Kids aren't taught what they need to know in school, we dont teach people how to be kind, so kids grow up to be assholes.
Not all of America is shit, just some of it . With time it'll all get better.