

18.12.2023 19:34
Linki came back to check how this place is going

18.12.2023 19:35
Linkif you want to contact me my art insta is @kebinfell and my other insta is @kevinbutbefell

18.12.2023 19:39
Linkmy name is Kevin, im bi and i use he/him pronouns, its my birthday on the 22nd of December, im single, and in the aromantic spectrum, i have adhd and autism, i like dinosaurs and horror content, i study at a fine arts highschool, i am bosnian, i live in Turkey, im an ENFP, Capricorn, im 168-169 cm, 67KG and i am extremely mentally ill😋🙏 i am bored so i am telling random stuff about myself

18.12.2023 19:39
Linkive been using flipanim ever since 2018

18.12.2023 19:49
Linki am no longer blond