bye for awhile
06.10.2020 22:16
LinkGonna go for awhile but don't worry I might either be back bye Halloween or when its December I don't really know but just remember
I've not left for good so if u think that's the case DON'T okay? Btw joot in the lil' bit off shitpost in it meant cat Jotaro btw, if u have questions ask em while u can cuz im coming off soon-
06.10.2020 22:26
Linkokeh, time ran out Arrivederci gonna watch some JoJo and probably sleep Gn, for awhile!
P.S. if you see hollo at the end he's the main character, to this account. He is the one who made my shitty account good (I guess),and when I'm gone KILL DIO, don't care he's dead in the anime,dead in the manga or dead in funny little JoJo's bizarre adventure comics. just k i l l him ok?
I'll miss you guys but I've been upset lately, and I've not actually been able to regain some happiness so I think if I take a break from this account and site I may, or may not feel better.
OwO thankyou fall all you've done for me~ and i hope your successful in your drawing and hopes and dreams- undyne467235