

Alphabet Animation!!


VI - League of Legends

BTS - Fake Love [Animation]

Aquadoggo Request
How is My Book So Far? :)


23.04.2021 14:16
LinkPlease don't write a comment on this chain before I say the story if I do then u can...

23.04.2021 14:23
LinkScarlet's stories #1
The Paris Mystery!
Caption: There was a girl named Scarlet Walker and she moved to a new school and city, She moved to the Suburbans and she was new to everything and had no friends, let's see what happens at her new school.......
Dedicated to my Brother including my Mom and Dad Thank you so much to my family!
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Scarlet Walker
Chapter 2: Moving
Chapter 3: BearyyRock High School Cairo
Chapter 4: A weird school...
Chapter 5: The Bullys
Chapter 6: A New Friend
Chapter 7: Paris Trip
Chapter 8: Missing Things
Chapter 9: Catch The Crook
Chapter 10: We Did It!
Comment removed

23.04.2021 14:24
LinkChapter 1: Scarlet Walker
Hi, My name is Scarlet, Scarlet Walker, Or for my nickname you could call me Pearl, I live in Tirana, Albania My favorite Hobby is Writing, Reading, Drawing, and more of that I don’t remember! I love the colors Blue and Hot pink just thinking about it, it’s a very nice combination! But really I am Not doing much these days because there is so much schoolwork to do since I am in high school and also since I am in 9th grade I am basically in the Freshman year of high school. . . . . Oh, also my favorite animal is a Baby Bear *THERE SO CUTE*! Also, I have a Brother named Mark, He is the BEST and I mean it BEST brother you could ever have! He is so supportive and helpful, to say the least! As I was thinking about what more to say I heard my dad say “MARK!!!!” I was like that's so loud and then I went to my brother's room then after a few seconds I heard my dad say “SCARLET!!!!” I ran downstairs and my dad and mom were looking at the stairs for me to come, after that, I saw Packages-

23.04.2021 14:26
Link-all wrapped up around the house and I was like WHAT WERE MOV- when I was about to finish my dad said “Yes sweety we are moving to Cairo the Capital of Egypt” I am like WHAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT? And my mom says “yes, we told Mark about it too Honey and we are leaving today night to sweety”, I was like TONIGHT!!!!! I thought, why? I was thinking about it all day............ Then I thought of something really important, I am going to miss my friend Daisy, and my home!

23.04.2021 14:27
LinkChapter 2: Moving
I was so thoughtful all night about how I was going to move and it’s hard to think that I am leaving so many things behind and I was a little upset. But as it began to be dark I was eating and thinking to myself “what will the school be like? will everyone be nice?” you know I don’t know if they are nice or not and if they are nice I will be very happy but rude?.......... It was finally time to go! I gazed at the shiny dots of stars in the sky looking ahead of my future seeing what god had decided for me, Mark was looking up and thinking about something too I was a little unsure about it because he usually does not do that. But after we were going to eat since Mark brang the food I asked him for some and he gave me chips, soda, and for a little snack, some twinkies and that delighted me I usually get car sick and well..... Yes I did and that was a big bummer cuz I know got a headache and so I slept and then before I could open my eyes I saw daylight!

23.04.2021 14:27
LinkThat's all I wrote for now...

23.04.2021 14:28
LinkU can write on the chain our make a new one I am done I didn't finish yet..

23.04.2021 14:33
Linkwith the story but i will do it later

23.04.2021 14:36
Linkmy brother is doing marks (Mark Walker Scarlets Brother) side of the story e!
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