Something new


07.08.2024 05:10

07.08.2024 05:10
LinkHow I was talking about in my previous aimn I think about the ghosts and stuff

07.08.2024 05:11
LinkI'm starting to hear these ghosts around 1AM now. They're starting to come more early than they usually do. usually they come at 3AM but now I'm starting to hear them at 1AM

07.08.2024 05:13
Linkand I don't really know why but like it just feels weird because now I have to sleep more early so I won't have to deal with them?

07.08.2024 05:13
LinkPeople of flipainm, please do not deem me as an crazy person. These are actual things that are happening to me and even if they do sound fake to you I know what's going on😭

07.08.2024 05:14
LinkOw bro I just got jumpscares by loud music that just made my butthole hurt

07.08.2024 05:14

07.08.2024 05:15
LinkAs I was saying yes there are some pretty abnormal things going on to me in my room. Like a few minutes ago I was just sitting on my phone peacefully and then as soon as 1:00 hits I hear something random walking around and moving in my room

07.08.2024 05:15
LinkI don't know what's so fascinating about me or what dead people like about me but I really want them to leave. I'm not as scared as I was of them before but it just makes me a bit nervous that they're still here

07.08.2024 05:16
LinkThis used to happen to be years ago, even when I had to go virtual. Ever since my first uncle died, there's been a whole lot of abnormal activity going on. Now that my second uncle died, it's happening even more

07.08.2024 05:17
LinkAnd I feel like these ghosts follow me to places or whenever I stay somewhere for a very long time they just come to find me out haunt me

07.08.2024 05:19
LinkLike, the last time I went over my dad's house, it was late at night. And my door wouldn't stop opening. I closed it. Wouldn't stop opening. I even locked it and it opened again.
And usually it would happen to me around 3AM because I started clocking down to see when the ghosts would appear or not

07.08.2024 05:20
LinkAt dads house, 3AM. At moms house, 1AM currently, and at the old house I used to stay at, probably at 2AM I don't know

07.08.2024 05:21
LinkBut over here at my mom's house I only hear them for a few seconds now, it's nothing to extravagant how it would be at other people's houses. Maybe there are different ghosts in different people's houses who like to bother me since I am the only one who the sense when theyre around

07.08.2024 05:24
LinkOr, maybe it's just a sign that I am dying soon. And that these dead ghosts or whatever are an warning that my death will be near if I do not sleep

07.08.2024 05:24
LinkI don't know