Poem #2


09.12.2017 02:34
Link"Existential Crisis"
A quiet thought
in the back of my mind
"this isn't real,
your friends are made up."
But if my world is made up,
why would my mind make it Hell?
Naturally, with an existential crisis, comes
Lying awake at night, staring at the ceiling
and slowly, realization.
This isn't Hell.
This is only the beginning.
The fifth page of a hundred-chapter book.
Things get better.
People come back- or vanish for good.
School ends, and life is free.
Things can get better.
For this is only the first chapter.

09.12.2017 18:42
Linkthis makes mine look like total crap. this is amazing mainly because i have like ten existential crisis a week so i can relate so much. amazing

10.12.2017 01:03
LinkwHat ur poem was GREAT

11.12.2017 13:50
Linknah it wasn't i appreciate it but it honestly wasn't. not one of mine was. I was bored and they didn't even make sense. this is a work of art. I want this on my tombstone

11.12.2017 19:41
Linkshhhhhhhhh i loved yours so much