ight boys imma rant


12.04.2021 20:37
12.04.2021 20:37
LinkAlright don't comment on my chain darlin

12.04.2021 20:43
LinkAlright, S O -
I literally overthink so much shit and I hate it-
Whenever my best fren (irl) says he is doing something or talking to another person I always get so self conscious that I'm not a good enough friend for him-
Like I know it's bull shit and he says that I'm literally one of his best best friends and we are really close and all of that nice stuff but some how I'm still like this
I don't know if I'm just jealous or something else but it really bothers me and I have breakdowns over it.
And I feel like I am overthinking my gender and shit and I'm like "oh you can't be different people will hurt you and dislike you!!"
I mean that's pretty true to a degree
But still, I feel like if I come out to other cishet friends or if I tell my teachers about my preferred name/pronouns they will be dicks

12.04.2021 20:44
LinkOh and I keep telling myself to "try to be normal" so that isn't good-

12.04.2021 20:48
LinkIf anyone has some sort of advice to give about this I'd strongly appreciate your help TvT

ok, for the first one, i think it might be something called Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, or maybe social anxiety. Either way, it's something lots of people deal with. It sucks, but it's not reflective of you.
Second, coming out is scary, and you should do it when you feel safe to. Are your friends transhobic or something?

Ahh I see, that's good to know.
Oh and no not at all
My best best friend I'm referring to is trans/omni so no hate there and his other friend he introduced me to is also trans and bisexual and he's awesome.
I do have one friend whom of which I hardly speak to anymore, I wanna come out to him but idk if I should.