- create flipbook animations online!
27.10.2020 02:49
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this is a little thing im making each of the suns stand for a stage of the solar eclipse 1st born the FULL sun also the smartest he often stops fights bweteen the 3rd born and the 7th born 2nd born the SLIGHTLY drakened sun this one is a bit more shy and recluded but hee loves artwork but he prefers to stay in his room even if the best drawing in the world is right out of his doors 3rd born slightly more drakened sun he is a bit hot head if that is the word he prefers to be in charge and often gets in trouble he is always fighting with the 7th born for him trying to take charge beacuase he can hear the forces of pure evil plans 4th born the half blacked out sun he likes to have fun as in he likes to steal things and frame others but he would never do something pure evil and always gives back what he steals 5th born mainly blacked out sun BOOK WORMMMMMMMMMM he is always in a book and is the 2nd smartest 6th born almost fully blacked out sun he is the one who enjoys the 7th the m
27.10.2020 02:54
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most they often spend time in each others room the 7th born the fully blacked out sun he is a bit of all he enjoys books is the 3rd smartest and tryes to take charge when he know he is right he likes to have fun sometimes he enjoys art only thing diffrent is sprits talk to him the Keeper or nightmare tells him the plans of all evil he is also the only one *except the 1st born* with magic Yin Magic while 1st has Yang Magic *look up Yin and Yang*
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