Just letting y'all know


19.12.2022 10:43
LinkJust a little note since I still talk here a lot, but just don't post art.
I block people, a lot. For a lot of different reasons. Without hesitation and without warning.

19.12.2022 10:44
LinkMain reasons-
Shitty behavior (pedophilia, zoophilia, xenophobia, transphobia, homophobia, racism, unnecessary harassment, saying 'kys'. The usual); Unless I'm on good terms with you and know it's a joke, I will take it as serious. If you are using a slur you can use but I don't know you're allowed to, I'm likely to block you anyway.
Suspicious behavior (group jokes of several people all posting the same thing, like the thing KTA-Cringe did a bit ago, will likely result in a block. Not because I don't like fun, it just looks like a hacking.)
Association with certain people (I block for association a lot. If I'm not on good terms with you before I see you're associated with that person, I'll likely want to keep you away from me.)
Trolling, advertising, roleplaying a bot, or just being an annoying child. (you can be an anti-troll, a feature report bot, or an innocent child that just doesn't yet understand internet etiquette. It's just annoying, and I don't want to deal with it.

19.12.2022 10:44
Link(Thatstophbuddy is an exception to the troll reason though because he's hella based)

19.12.2022 10:44
LinkHow to get unblocked:
I forget what you even did or just don't think it matters anymore.
If you fűcked up, unfűck the situation.
Just ask on an alt or through a friend, sometimes if it's just for suspicious behavior or some misunderstanding I'll unblock you if you're chill about it.

19.12.2022 10:45
LinkSo yeah, the block button exists and I heavily exercise my right to use it, because flipanim is an absolute dumpster fire full of shitty people. I like to keep my posts clean, but don't take that as me trying to simply avoid arguements. I will happily throw hands elsewhere, just not around my stuff, thanks.

19.12.2022 10:47
LinkAlso, just know that you don't have to engage in these shitty behaviors around me or towards me for me to see it and block you. I stalk comments pretty often. So don't say "well I didn't do it to YOU" because that doesn't usually matter.

12.03.2023 17:46
LinkAdding a DNI criteria-
Using tonetags (on purpose) INCORRECTLY. They're set in place to help people who struggle to identify tone and you're outright manipulating that. If you're going to misuse tonetags as a joke, clarify! For example; "I hate you. /srs (/j)" would be just fine! Don't misuse them and not clarify. It pisses me off and you're an asshole if you do that shit.

This post, likely. It generalizes a group that I and others I know are apart of (I'm not a radical Christian, but I believe in some of the 'lore' rather than what churches say) and it's not very pog champ to generalize a group in a negative way. While I am aware that Christians are not victims or really oppressed here in America, it's still not great to generalize anyone.