The colours of imagination

physically thicc,mentally sick

Leave you!

A bond

thank you????

2 colours challenge done!

"You're My Superstar!" ♡


09.05.2023 13:16
I wanna go learn about random stuff but Idk where to even begin and lets be honest I'll learn more from hyperfixation rambles than I will from google XD I figured maybe some other people might wanna do the same too!
If You're okay with people commenting on your chain to talk about whatever your ramble was, then go ahead and say it somewhere in the chain!
If someone doesn't say that they're okay with ppl commenting on their chains, THEN PLEASE DONT!
also dont be rude idfk ill brb and ramble about my own stuff too

Also you guys can comment on this chain bc if you have space facts GIVE
I think my favorite method of measuring distance in space is called the Parallax method bc its goofy af
Basically (if you're reading this) close one eye and point at something, whether its on this screen or jsut something random. Then switch eyes so the other one is open instead. SEE HOW THE POINT OF VIEW MAKES WHAT YOUR POINTING AT CHANGE? This changes depending on distance and stuff, so you can actually put it into an equation!!
BUT BASICALLY Scientists will look at a closer star (which would be your finger in this case) and look at another star behind it while the earth is at a certain point. Then, around six months later, they look at the stars again (this is like switching your eyes) and BOOM they can see how far away the star in the back is depending on the displacement of it given the movement made

god I love tardigrades btw they're so funky looking and they wiggle they're schmol
I wrote a story spoof abt how somebody sent a dead body to a different planet to let bacteria and parasites feed off of it until they can become self sustaining and the boom the planet was beginning ots evolutionary state like earth.. until they realised it was evolving MUCH faster

I would like to explain the entirety of kirby lore
Kirby is something that people think is for kids but if you actually play the games? You are so wrong bro like bro the first game doesn’t have lore to it but once you play more, the deeper you get. The first “villain” was king dedede, he was jsut a greedy guy but as you go on in the games to fight him, he’s usually just possessed by this thing called dark matter. Now dark matter is a result of whatever void gets killed by (more on thag later) dark matter can take lots of forms like gooey, the dark matter swordsman, and zero. Each with their own unique ability. As you go on through the games you fight each one, except for gooey, he’s dark matter but he’s also good. And so in kirby Star Allies, there is this cult leader who wants to restore the jamba hearts and create this monster named void termina. This cult leader is a part of this group called the ancients. The ancients are split into two categories, the tech ancients and the magic ancients, they were

Always at war with each other from what I know, they were also known to be like 6 feet tall so I think that they were humans but that’s my theory. Kirby is like 8 inches tall so his world is kinda tiny. Anyways these ancients are connected to the lore, the tech ancients being related to Kirby’s return to dreamland with magolor and all that and the magic ancients being associated with kirby star allies. Okay so more on the void termina stuff. Void termina is this humongous monster who wears a mask. He’s a big guy with like feathers or something on him. When you knock his mask off, his neck is basically like a black hole and you get sucked inside. Inside is void’s soul, it’s jsut an orb with a face, very similar to kirby. As I mentioned before, void can turn into dark matter if it is destroyed by dark matter, but kirby is positive matter and void was killed by kirby . This means that kirby died and was reincarnated into a pink puff ball, nobody knows where he came from like who killed that big void guy but thi

This new one that kirby killed has a look on his face when he died. When void dies, you see a little smile like he was happy to die. I think he was reincarnated into another kirby but we haven’t seen it yet.
The newest game kirby and the forgotten land takes place in a completely different world called the forgotten land. This is where I suspect the tech ancients to be. There’s a new character introduces called Elifilin, theyre a little rat dude who is half of this giant rad looking dude and when they combine they turn into the ultimate life form aka fecto elfilis. This guy can pack a punch. So when I was talking about the tech ancients I brought up how they were associated with this game, i belive that they used to live in the forgotten land and t when fecto elfilis came along, the ancients trapped them for experiments and used their teleportations abilities to take them to the land of dreams, but the land of dreams sounds weird because kirby lives in dreamland so it’s so confusing, anyways that happened

Okay so when fecto elfilis and elfilin restore balance, the game ends and shit but there’s this remaster of kirby return to dreamland where there’s this whole side story for magolor, it’s all about an apple. So magolor is abisally an inter dimensional traveler who can take on the role to make you do micro transactions but that’s not important, the important part is when you fight the giant apple tree, it teleports you to this place that looks awfully similar to the forgotten land, I think that this fight happened and the tech ancients had to flee so they used fecto elfilis’ teleportation powers to escape
Anyways that was my whole spiel on the kirby lore I have to go now bye

Okay so everyone knows that my favorite is meta knight, he’s such a good guy like I know he’s an anti hero but he fights kirby to make sure that he’s capable to fight other bosses and like bro he’s such a dad figure ngl. He also has a sweet tooth which is really funny to me also he does everything he can to protect the waddle dees Like he fought the big monkey guy 50 times and didn’t lose once just to keep the waddle dees safe
And then dedede is just a big sweetie like bro he’s not a bad guy but everyone who doesn’t play kirby thinks that he’s the villain but he’s not, he’s just usually possessed by something. But he loves his waddle dees so much it’s so cute to see them interact
And can I talk about the MUSIC UGH THE MUSICCCC it’s just so good BYT LIKE CIDEO GAME MUSIC IN GERNAL IS SO GOOODFDF like don’t even get me started on mario galaxy music and shit it’s so varies and it has so much personality and nostalgia
Anyways that’s it

i was listening to the soundtrack last night (the two river theater production btw) and my brain was just like RAHHARAHAARAAHRAH the entire time. i haven't had the time yet to compare that version with the broadway version (no hate to the broadway version but i just cannot listen to it for long periods of time, it's too different) but i want to sosoososososo bad because i wanna note the differences and figure out why they were made based on the context of the whole musical.

i also really like the differences from the musical to the novel. don't get me wrong, the novel had it's nice moments, but the musical was like, 10x better (in my opinion). i think it would've been cool to keep the squip around the same, not as a villian per say, but just as a computer who makes mistakes, but i understand why it had been changed! i really like the book squip, bro was super funky /pos.

grian has been such a large interest of mine since like, elementary school. i knew about him because of Samgladiator's YHS series, but i liked watching his solo stuff a lot more.
for starters, i REALLY enjoyed EvoSMP. the Watchers were such an interesting concept, and i think it's super cool that Jimmy(?) still does lore with them (or at least i think he does i don't know).
i liked that Grian got to become a Watcher at the end of his Evo series. from what i know, he hasn't really talked about it since his series ended, but Evo was referenced in his video where he talks about how old minecraft had like, weird mechanics and such, which was super awesome.
I love it when Grian does lore stuff, because it's never fully expected (or at least for me it isn't). it's always like, super smooth when he introduces anything lore related and that makes my brain go brr. this was something i noticed happened a lot in Hermitcraft Season 9. I haven't fully caught up with the series, so i don't know if there's more