being underrated SUCKS


25.06.2021 20:05
Linkyou’re not underrated tho

25.06.2021 20:07

25.06.2021 20:09
Linkwhen i say underrated i mean you put lots of time into work, you take a look at it and you think it deserves more than it already has, for example something that took ages and you gave detail and it has only 2
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25.06.2021 20:12
Link200 isnt underrated? i wouldn't have that many if i didnt enter a contest

i actually feel pretty bad for all those people that do what i do, ive seen a lot of good drawings by other people and they dont get much attention, its best if anyone sees people that do that you should give them some attention, it might even make their day. living in the life of someone that would put all of their time into something that they drew or made, but it actually looks good, beautiful, or to the point where its a complete masterpiece, its really just ignored by other people, i think the world devolved, dont you agree? ima try to stop posting these for once