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a weird story
26.04.2018 16:50
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title: full of sandwiches
26.04.2018 16:50
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We have the Medic, who is out sunbathing when the Heavy-Duty Fridge appears and offers Medic sandwiches. Not even waiting for a reply, the Heavy Fridge leaps off its cliff, but Medic never wanted any sandwiches. Upon rejecting the sandwiches, the Medic does not receive any, but instead becomes stuck under the Fridge, but manages to squirm his head out of the fridge. Hippocrates Engineer appears not long after after hearing the cry for help. Upon close inspection, he notices the medic under the fridge. Further more, the medic, once again, asks for help. What does that Engie have to earn by helping Medic? The Medic, understanding this line of logic, releases a hat from his inventory. Surprised by the generosity of the Medic, the Hippocrates Engineer (with the help of Pocket Scout) teleports the Heavy Fridge to another dimension while accidentally sending the rest of Medic's body at the same time.
26.04.2018 16:52
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Before Engineer can repair this trivial error, the RubberFruit's lost son, RubberVegetable appears and steals Hippocrates Engineer's hat and hits his head, knocking him out. Medic, enraged by this act, screams violently at RubberVegetable. RubberVegetable turns and looks at the screaming head and gets so disturbed by it, he forgets he was even stealing a hat, and quickly escapes the area. The Raxe The Raxe We follow RubberVegetable as he escapes the screaming Medic head, but misfortune ensues, as a rake with an axe for a handle is left laying in the middle of no where. He steps on that rake, yet survives being chopped in the face with said axe, and scratches his head in wonder, while a Heavy appears and sees that RubberVegetable is actually wearing a medal that shrinks one's head.
26.04.2018 16:52
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Heavy, excited by the sight of such as gadget, announces his plans to RubberVegetable, who doesn't really understand what he's saying. Overwhelmed by excitement, Heavy describes what he thinks about the medal and pushes it without asking RubberVegetable, whose head shrinks shortly thereafter. Heavy lets out a satisfied laugh, while Grandpa Sniper appears before Heavy, asking him to help capture his compact control point. Heavy obliges and Grandpa Sniper is thankful. Before even making back to base, Sniper's age-old rival, Grandpa Spy, appears before him, pushing him over, and subsequently killing him. Our experts in the field have captured a strange EVP near the body, and enhanced its audio for our viewing pleasure.
26.04.2018 16:52
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Out of the sky, but actually off the side of that bridge above the elderly Spy, drops drunken and otherwise droopy demoman. He delivers a retaliative kick to Grandpa Spy, which launches the Spy across the map, hitting a wall and lands on a rock which then activates a dispenser that delivers a medibottle to the shrunken-headed RubberVegetable. His head grows back, but as a remote instead. Bewildered at the sight, Heavy silently observes the scene. Upon the noticing of the observant Heavy, the Remote-Headed RubberVegetable turns to look at him, which concerns the drunken and otherwise droopy demoman.
26.04.2018 16:53
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The Remote-Headed RubberVegetable then presses the very button which is his head, and begins a countdown which genuinely distresses Demoman and Heavy. When the countdown reaches c: , a cactus is summoned that slides over and slowly kills RubberVegetable, causing him to drop all of his belongings, which, fortunately for him, was merely a Caber. The vigilant Heavy notices that it is no ordinary Caber, though, but it is a cursed Caber, forcing people to have delusions about what they desire most in life. Heavy does the smart thing and runs away from the Caber, far outside the boundaries of the map. Demoman, not knowing any better, sits and observes the Caber, that very Caber coming after him with a bloody wrath that alters the center of Demoman's gravity for a few seconds. He equips the Caber and thinks it a piece of mutton.
26.04.2018 16:55
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Upon eating the Caber, Demoman is launched into Gravelpit, where the Oblong Soldier and the Feline Engineer are having an interesting argument: BloolB or DlelilelD? The Cowboy Scout interrupts this argument and confesses it should be both. This saddens the Soldier and Engineer, who have wasted approximately three days, seven hours, thirty-two minutes and twelve seconds arguing over. The Demoman lands from the explosion, not a scar on his body, and the Scout, thinking this was a divine decent, tries to forcefully unsee what he saw, in order to avoid being smitten. Whilst trying to unsee the event, he accidentally sends an sms, which really ruins his day, and Demoman does not like sadden scouts, so he rises in front of the Scout and proceeds to attempt to poke both of the scout's compact control points at the same time. Afraid that the Demoman actually wants to poke his eyes, he begins to freak out a little before he finally realizes what Demoman is doing and lets it happen, thanking him afterwards and running
26.04.2018 16:55
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The Engineer we saw from earlier seems to reappear, but this time as a blue Frankengineer, probably as a result of the head trauma, while Medic we saw from earlier seems to have completed symbiotic syntheses with the fridge, and becomes a robot. Frankengineer lands on top of Demoman and calls out for a medic to which robot medic appears to assist the Engineer. Having quite the history with robots himself, Engineer turns the robot Medic to the castle wall, escorting him off the side, while Pyro, being an extraordinary gentleman, holds the door open for Mechic and he lands on a log floating on a pond. Mechic realizes that water would be bad for his circuits and tries to escape the pond. However he utilizes a wheel for his legs and attempts to roll out into dry land to no avail and remains on the same spot on the log. Some say he's still rolling today.
26.04.2018 17:23
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I have another one: gravity fails
26.04.2018 17:23
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Red Scout and Blu Scout are standing on the side and top of a building respectively. Since nobody cares about gravity, Red Scout's feat is possible, but when inquired about the subject, Blu Scout says that, believe it or not, he does care about gravity. Red Scout is stunned by this, as gravity returns to normal because of Blu Scout's sheer amount of care for the physics entity. Red Scout falls and crushes Goomba Dispenser, who happens to be the offspring of Invincible Nightmare, the world's most powerful Hippie-mon. Invincible Nightmare is so grief-stricken that it curls up into a building box, proclaiming that it is "a real bad day" and shambles off the side of a cliff.
26.04.2018 17:23
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Red Scout goes to investigate the disappearance of Invincible Nightmare, but finds the Blu Scout in a door to ChinaLand (This is how Blu Scout is able to stand on the side of a building and still care about gravity - ChinaLand's gravity is proper for where Blu Scout is standing). Blu Scout cuts ties with Red Scout, causing the mystical door to ChinaLand to disappear, as only Blu Scout's friends can use it.
26.04.2018 17:24
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A pompous, tries-to-be-edgy Engineer appears and insults Red Scout and shoves him off the building with a bucket on his face. When Scout reaches the Earth, GRANDMASTER SPY turns around, scaring Red Scout. He briefs the Scout about the Bucket on his head, and aids him in its removal, but also destroys his hat. The Wizard Soldier appears spookily, knowing that it would set Scout up to be impressed by later tricks. Wizard Soldier gives Scout his hat back (although its a fake. But its more cost effective for Wizard Soldier), before pulling the pompous Engineer down to Earth. He pulls his top hat out of the Engineer, revealing the magic within the hat had corrupted the Engineer. Engineer flees, and Wizard Soldier pulls a rabbit hat out of the hat (he was inspired by Inception). Scout is impressed by this, but insults the Wizard Soldier when he disintegrates the hat.
26.04.2018 17:25
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This enrages the Wizard Soldier, who uses his hex to turn Red Scout into a pumpkin. Our hero barely dodges the destructive beam, and fights back with the Nokia 3310. However, due to the enchantments on Wizard Soldier's cape, the Nokia breaks. This shocks Scout, who clearly does not grasp the level of Wizard Soldier's power. Wizard Soldier continues to fire beams, changing previous victims to their original state (and also resurrecting Grandpa Sniper from his death). Unable to transform Scout into a pumpkin, Soldier attempts to leave, but accidentally uses the wrong potion and paralyzes himself.
26.04.2018 17:25
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Scout's hat becomes half-apple, as he encounters a mentally damaged Sniper. The Sniper pulls his arrows out to practice his aim, but Scout is confused by the situation. Scout dodges the fired bow (as the bow was made out of arrows and the original bow was used as an arrow in its stead), but Lumberjack Heavy becomes enraged over the damaged to his beloved tree, Sasha, and decks the Sniper right in his face, asking who touched his tree in rage. The Sniper blames the Scout, who climbs up the tree to avoid Lumberjack Heavy's wrath. However, Lumberjack sacrifices Sasha to get revenge on Scout. He's okay with doing this because he's been having an affair with another tree, named Natascha. Sasha crashes down, crushing Sniper. The momentum and impact of the Tree, however, is great enough to send Scout all the way to ChinaLand, where he finds the Blu Scout, the final opponent, waiting for him.
26.04.2018 17:25
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Red Scout, firmly remembering his ex-friend's ability to manipulate gravity, understands that this is a dire situation. Blu Scout uses his new minion, Invincible Nightmare, and uses a yellow potion to double its abilities. The Hippie-dex proclaims that Invincible Nightmare is very good, and will kick Red Scout's ass. Red Scout eyes the weapon bar from which he can choose something to slay Invincible Nightmare, but the beast is scared off by Red Scout smashing a bottle, bringing back horrible flashbacks of what Red Scout did to its dispenser and triggering its PTSD. Blu Scout is annoyed by this, but Red Scout's bottle is taken away by a hawk. Blu Scout taunts the Red Scout, but the Red Scout picks up a true sword, and the two duel. Blu Scout does not manipulate gravity as, for the most part, he fights honorably. Red Scout quickly outmatches Blu Scout and impales him on his blade. With Blu Scout defeated, Red Scout absorbs his soul revealing himself as the legendary Scoutah-kiin.
26.04.2018 18:36
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Golly. (Claps)
26.04.2018 18:45
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I have one last one: team fabulous 2
26.04.2018 18:45
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it starts with the RED team, waiting for the mission to begin at the spawn. One Heavy is calling a Medic, while Sniper calls him a spy. Some people begin to spam voice commands, resulting a player to leave. The Heavy shoots his Tomislav randomly, causing the whole team to have a friendly fire battle, while on the other side the BLU team is having a relaxing meal before the battle.
26.04.2018 18:46
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As the mission starts, a BLU member throws the Sniper out of the spawn while he tries to call for help. Sniper hears a RED Heavy calling for help and headshots him. The only witness is a RED Scout inside the RED spawn, saying: "GET THAT MOTHERF**ER!" And the fight begins, causing mass chaos. During the fight, the same BLU Engineer from before the intro is shown practicing guitar.
26.04.2018 18:46
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Outside the BLU spawn, A Festive adorning BLU Engineer tries to build a sentry after looking both ways, only slipping his wrench off. He picks a normal one, successfully building a sentry, and kills a Scout, but his sentry ends up getting sapped and destroyed by a RED Spy when invisible, or another unknown reason. The Spy appears, waves his hand, says "you suck!" and shoots the Engineer with his Diamondback.
26.04.2018 18:47
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At the BLU spawn entrance, a RED Scout starts spawn-killing with a Valve-quality Shortstop, stating the situation is "a real freakin' embarrassment", until a random Scout flies to him and stops, only seeing his hat, asks for a trade. The spawn-killing Scout refuses, shoots him flying, only knocking a BLU Sniper hiding behind the walls.
26.04.2018 18:47
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During a kart race between a BLU and RED Heavy, the BLU Heavy accidentally runs through a Sniper's eyewear (That fell off when the Hiding Sniper got hit by the Trading Scout), causing him to crash to a washing machine as the RED Heavy passes by him.. The RED Heavy gains a banana peel, and throws it at a BLU Engineer, as a janitor. The BLU Heavy crashes at the top of RED Heavy, saying: "Doo yooh rhemnmmembhur vodka (me)?", the RED Heavy replies, "sandwich (Yes).", and tosses the RED Heavy then tells him "let this be lesson for you". He later removes the traffic pylon that a BLU Medic was hiding behind, causing him to instantly be shot in the head.
26.04.2018 18:48
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A small troupe of BLU members is seen crouched behind a wall to avoid the Sniper. The BLU soldier calls up the BLU Engineer sitting directly behind him (using a boot and a banana, respectively.) Soldier babbles some instructions to the Engineer, who complies, standing up and still before swiftly being shot in the head. Soldier tries to call him again, getting no response, and subsequently slamming his boot phone onto the ground. Another shot is aimed at the Soldier, but harmlessly bounces off his helmet. It's revealed that the RED Sniper shooting at them was being supported by a RED Scout, who collapses under his weight, causing the Sniper to shoot directly into the air. The bullet falls and lands in the Sniper's abdomen.
26.04.2018 18:48
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The RED Scout flees, and the dying Sniper is confronted by the BLU Soldier, who states that he will "send [his] condolences to [his] Kangaroo wife." He then drops a picture of a buxom furry onto the RED Sniper's chest, who thanks him and dies. The BLU Soldier stands over the body for a while until a passing RED Heavy notices him and guns him down. The BLU Soldier's player is revealed to be a young boy, who complains about being killed while the RED Heavy mocks him.
26.04.2018 18:48
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The BLU racing Heavy the kart from before is shown crashing into a wall as the next sequence begins. The sentry-building BLU Engineer carefully places his hat on his head before setting to work, but he's shot before he can even swing his wrench once. He's revealed to have been Dominated by the same RED Spy from before.
26.04.2018 18:49
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A BLU Heavy is seen leaning against a wall as a few of his defeated team members fly past him and the Administrator notifies the Heavy's team that they've secured the enemy intelligence. Noticing an incoming BLU Medic, he trips up the doctor and grabs him, instructing him to accompany him. He then throws the Medic into the appropriate location by the RED spawn, pirouettes into place, and gives the Medic the order to activate an UberCharge. Now invicible, he kills a large number of RED members before the charge fades. Heavy makes a stupid expression as his enemies prepare to obliterate him, and he turns to his Medic, who is being controlled by the same kid controlling the BLU soldier earlier. He unhelpfully goes AFK, shortly before the BLU Heavy is hurtled into a billboard from the force of the explosion, next to the Guitar Engie, still practicing guitar.
26.04.2018 18:53
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Meanwhile a RED Sniper who has fallen asleep lets go of his Huntsman, which ends up causing an arrow to kill a RED Medic below. A BLU Spy takes a moment to mock him and calls him a bad doctor before cackling away and turning invisible. The Medic's last words are "Heil Hitler!" Over near a wall, various members from both teams take turns spraying images on top of others ranging from a piece of bacon to a sign raising awareness for saving "The Endangered Spy Crab!". After a BLU Scout posts an image of Derpy from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, the BLU Guitar Engie becomes disgruntled and opens up a portal into the pictures. Upon crash landing into a crudely animated grassland, Guitar Engie discovers a poorly drawn Pony who asks if he can play with her. Guitar Engie responds by decapitating the Pony, saying "NOPE!", and laughing demonically afterwards. Suddenly something off screens starts shining. It turns out to be a box labeled "Elliot's Fun Box". Guitar Engie opens it but just like the mythical Pandora,
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