28.01.2021 19:23
LinkBook 3 Lost Manokit
Alina found a brown and dark brown manokit witha a spike collar an glasses she was surprized at the sight "what are you?" asked alina "im a manokit but first WHO are you?" "im alina i just found this place after a cat tried to convince me to follow her" a momment of silance broke out as the tw noticed the quietness "why is it so quiet now?" alina asked "oh no she's here i must alarm you to leave before she catches you" "who?" "JUST GO!" alina started runing away from the cave and quickly "im not sure what she's talking about or WHO she's talking about..." alina found a tall bush and hid behind it to see who was gonna come, it was the cat she met in the alley! but she was still confussed of why she would come here "ma'am have you seen a wolf with orange and green'ish markings?" "no m-ma'am" "ok i will let u free now but if u find her alarm me" the two voices seemed serius and alina did now want to be a part of the conversation, affter they finished talking alina slowly came (next text)

28.01.2021 19:36
Linkinside "what was that about?" "they are looking for you alina" "what why?" "is she the one u met in the alley?" "yeah that is correct? why do you ask?" "she kills anyone who says NO to her word, its better to not say it and ignore her" "also btw i never got your name?" "oh me? my name is Mocha i live around here im not the only one of my kind more people are here they aare friendly but some are not" "oh...." "iv'e always live'd here but only for atention they always ignore me but i give them atention" "oh well thats sad" "yeah but only a phew ignore me most do but its because they know im alone" "well thats ok!" "you dnt always need someone there y'know?" "oh ok!" "theese parts of the woods look friendly but they arent what they seem" Mocha whent outside the cave and signles alina to follow her, they both whent infront of a deep and baren bush "look as i said things arent as they seem-" she pushed away the bush and a huge town was behind it "WOAH! is that where you live!?!?!?" "yeah i do live there" (next tex
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28.01.2021 19:52
Link"wow i wonder how it feels!" "yeah.." the town seemed small and many rows leeded to differant ereas a small pool was in the middle and the rules where in a tiny cave, and a small umbrela'd shelter was there with four chairs, many other things and beautifull rows of rocks coverd everything, "this must be very nice" cheered alina "yeah the peoople are nice you look like you would be one of them" "i mean- i guess but my town is huge and tall gray buildings are there its kinda basicly new york" "nw york is beatifull isn't it? why would you hate sutch a place" glored Mocha "oh dont be silly its not what you think, same thing like in your town" "oh...." a sudden shade cam over them "what the?-" questioned alina "oh no its her again- come!" the manokit pulled ALina's hand "come!" "woah!!!!!!!" squieeled Alina "STOP RUNNING SO FAST-" argued alina as she was being pulled "almost- and there!" "walla!" she cheered "huh?" "oh wow! so shiny!" this time a town apeard inside the cave (next tex)
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28.01.2021 20:13
LinkBeatifull mushrooms coverd the cave with FoxFire's everywhere many auras coverd the place with beatifull collors and small houses inside of borrows where unseen "another place??? Another BEATIFULL pleace!" "this is where i have my home!" (to eb continued bc im to tired to continue)