

19.04.2018 19:07
Linki was your 100th like

19.04.2018 19:08

im starting to think no one pays any atention to my animations.I know i have lots of followers but they never realy comment or like and i hope you like this it took me for ever to do

That is a little unfair, don't you think?
Although I understand you are avoiding an argument, still no need to say you will report them for thinking such things.
It does look very similar to the drawing.
Perhaps you were inspired by it? Forgive me if I'm wrong.
But still, things like this can be resolved peacefully without saying you will report them.
If you think I am coming at you for that, I am not.
Hopefully we can work things out if you think so because I do not wish for either of our accounts to get banned from Flipanim.ʕ;•ᴥ•ʔ
You have very nice drawings and it will be sad to see them be erased xc