Title says it all.
20.07.2020 23:28
LinkI understand if you're a child and cannot control any feelings of yours whatsoever, but if you aren't and you decide that this is an acceptable website to blurt out whatever comes to mind, then delete your account. I made this account to make art, but now the only thing I see around here are a bunch of wusses that want attention. Have we devolved to the point to where we need the reassurance of people we haven't even seen, people we don't even know, in order to feel better about ourselves. Do we seriously need to threaten to end our own lives in order for people to look in our general direction? Sometimes, even that is not enough.
I have made this post to point out this disgusting issue plaguing this website, pulling it from its original purpose and dragging it into something it was not meant to be.
If you are a child, do not go to the internet for healing, people will take advantage of you as much as they possibly can, and if you're some teenager who needs all the attention they can get, grow up.