Meet Malakai


14.08.2020 05:07

14.08.2020 05:14
Name Malakai Reed, ((Malakai meaning Angel
Age hes in a second life cuz now an angel, but 26
Height 7'8
Type Dominion angel
Sex male
Sexuality he sHoULD be straight but no,, pan.
Personalitypretty rude and picky, comes off as nice but tends to have mood swings
the type of dude that if your nice and pleasant to him, he is right back
but if you anger him then poof you go
Backstory He's blind, born and raised in a small family in a little neighborhood where he's been all his life and didn't travel
Strict Christian family
one day they decided to go on a jolly good plane ride and go to Florida for a week with some relatives
the plan got stuck in a storm, crashed and everyone died including Malakai and his family
now he bacccccc

14.08.2020 05:16
Linkalso he has a ceptor or wtvr they are called but doesn't just carry it around like that

14.08.2020 09:40
LinkAlso now he's asexual