For if you wanna draw irl me
Kit-Kat Otaku
That's everyone!
~•°Ocean Eyes°•~
28.10.2017 03:57
LinkMy life right here having to hide the frown and cover it with a smile
How come everywun is saying they be depressed lately? At dis point I don't beweev people when day say day be depwessed. Being depwessed is not cool! Yoo might be sad at da moment but dat dosnt mean your life is tewible! Yoo go to skool, many peepow don't go too skool! Sum peepow have weesons to be depwessed. Being sad and being depwessed are too tings. Depwesion shouldn't be used for attention.
here be an example:
Kid: Nobody wuvs me and i knows it, i be poor, i be treeted like twash, i be so hungwy my bones show, i be bullied
Teen: daddy took my phone away #DEPRESSED
I haz seen u be happy when we talk on flipanim, you no depwessed. Sowwy if yoo sad at da moment but I knows you no depwessed. I no twy to be wude, but I can't twust yoo when yoo say yoo pretend to be happy. Too many teenagers haz been saying they be depressed to the point where I can't tell if yoo are